What could be worse
than failure? False success. After all, when you fail at some endeavor, you can
take steps to correct the situation. At the very least, you can learn from the
experience and resolve to do better next time.
success is different. Under its influence you can think you are winning when in
fact you are losing. By the time you see the need to change, it may be too
Consider an example. Jesus Christ once asked: “What good will it
do a man if he gains the whole world but loses his life?” (Matthew 16:26)
That thought could well apply to those who devote themselves to the pursuit of
money and all it can buy —the epitome
of false success. “Thinking only in terms of the next major promotion, making
more money or acquiring more stuff, fails to feed the soul,” writes career
counselor Tom Denham. “Simply measuring success in monetary terms is shallow
and will leave you empty in the long-term.”
many people can distinguish between false success and true success —at least when they are asked. It
is more challenging, however, to make decisions that reflect the proper view of
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